Jordi Folch-Pi Award is given to an outstanding young investigator who has demonstrated a high level of research competence and originality, who has significantly advanced our knowledge of neurochemistry and who shows a high degree of potential for future accomplishments. The award is a cash prize of $1,500 and plaque, and the recipient has an opportunity to organize a symposium at the ASN Annual Meeting being held the year following presentation of the award.
Jordi Folch Pi was a Catalan biochemist at Harvard University (McLean Hospital) who is recognized universally as one of the founders of the field of structural chemistry of complex lipids and as a leader in the development of Neurochemistry as a distinct discipline within the Neurosciences. He was born in Barcelona, Spain, on March 25, 1911, and died in Boston, Massachusetts on October 3, 1979, at 69 years of age.
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