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Early Career Educational Enhancement (ECEE) Awards


Early Career Educational Enhancement (ECEE) Awards

The American Society for Neurochemistry provides a limited number of travel grants to attend the Annual Meeting.



  • Coincides with the annual meeting abstract submission period.


  • Graduate students in the final two years of study for the PhD degree or postdoctoral scientists who received their PhD or MD degree within the last six (6) years, as of March 1 of the year for which they apply for the award.
  • Applicants must reside in the Western Hemisphere, which according to ASN's Standing Rules is defined as Canada, North America, Central America, South America, US Possessions and the Caribbean. If you are from Latin America you should also apply for the Young Latin American Scholar's Award.
  • Applicants need not be members of the ASN.
  • Applicants must be first (presenting) author of a submitted abstract.
  • Previous recipients of the YIEE Award (as a graduate student) are eligible to apply as a post-doctoral fellow.
  • No more than three (3) applicants from any laboratory may apply.
  • The funds available for awards are determined annually by the Treasurer of the ASN


Travel award recipients are expected to attend the entire meeting including the business meeting. Award winners will be formally presented during annual meeting.


The following will be required to complete your application:

  • A general information document listing your full name, email address, affiliated university, career-stage and if you self-identify as a underrepresented minority (URM)
  • A cover letter containing a statement about your career goals, how attending the ASN meeting will support these career goals and a justification of your financial need in attending the meeting.
  • A signed letter of support from your dissertation supervisor or research director confirming your financial need.
  • A full curriculum vitae. (Sample CV)

Documents should be combined into a single PDF and uploaded in the abstract submission system.

If you have any questions please contact

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