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Postdoctoral fellow/Research Associate positions – Mayo Clinic

2024-03-26 11:55 AM | Deleted user

Position: Postdoctoral fellow/Research Associate positions – Mayo Clinic

Organization: Mayo Clinic

Location: Jacksonville, FL

Summary of position: NIH-funded Research Fellow appointments are available immediately at Mayo Clinic in Florida in the Cook laboratory, which is focused on identifying common pathological mechanisms across a spectrum of disorders. In particular, the overall goal of the laboratory is to provide new insight into pathogenic mechanisms and elucidate novel therapeutic strategies for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and related disorders. To achieve these goals, the lab employs cell and animal models, as well as human biofluids and postmortem tissue samples.

Of positions available, one will lead a project to investigate mechanistic consequences of tau mutations employing a variety of techniques, including somatic brain transgenesis, proteomic and tau interactome analysis, and single cell RNA sequencing. The second position is focused on understanding the involvement of white matter defects in neurodegeneration through the illumination of key functional and transcriptional alterations within the oligodendrocyte lineage in response to tauopathy and/or APOE genotype.

Requirements: Applicants should have a Ph.D. (awarded or soon to be awarded) in neuroscience, molecular biology, or any other related fields. In addition, postdoctoral candidates should be highly motivated to conduct independent research and display good communication and interpersonal skills.

Contact information Interested applicants should contact Dr. Casey Cook at and provide a current CV and contact information for three references.

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